ServSafe® Home Study
In Person Proctored Exam
Our course book and online study materials provide training for the ServSafe® Manager Certification Exam
- Study at your own pace
- Course book mailed to you within 5-7 business days.
- Online study materials include dictated videos, that take you chapter by chapter through the course book, self-grading practice exams, and a Youtube video of our in class presentation.
- Includes in person Proctored ServSafe® Manager Certification Exam – 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM
- Login Link and password for online materials are e-mailed within 24 hours of registration
- The course book, dictated videos, practice exams, and proctored exam are provided in English automatically. (Spanish, Chinese, & Korean course books and exams available upon request, email us at
All ServSafe Manager Exams are proctored exams; therefore, attendance at an exam session is required
Participants who reschedule a class or exam less than 7 days before the scheduled class or exam will be charged a $75.00 rescheduling fee.
All unused class or test fees must be redeemed within 6 months.
“ServSafe® is a registered trademark of the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation, and used under license by National Restaurant Association Solutions, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Restaurant Association.”